Q 1. You need to think what size (Soprano/Concert/Tenor) would suit,
Q 2. Budget that you want to invest, anything from $40 up to about a grand I can do for you and you get Aussie Hospitality as you get 'mates rates' off the retail prices.
I retail Ohana and Kala ukuleles here in OZ (worldwide really)
Here are some links to places to check out the Fabbo Kala and Ohana ukuleles.
REMEMBER that if you see something you like, then shoot me a message, and I can arrange an in person demo/play test for them, or can arrange to send pictures and videos for you.
My email address is ChrisFromUkuleleTradingATgmail.com just replace the AT with @

To check out what ukuleles are available in OZ go to
The OZ Wholesalers Website is at http://www.jacarandamusic.com.au/
and the Kala USA Manufacturer's website is at http://kalabrand.com/
and the Ohana USA Manufacturers Website is at http://www.ohana-music.com/
the Facebook Pages for these are
Cheers CC
Christopher Carr
Phone 0432 306 920
The Ukulele Trading Co Australia: The Popup Music Shop
Purveyors Of Fine New & Vintage Ukuleles,
Setups, Lessons - Private and Group.
Book the Popup Music Shop for your Community Event or Corporate Workshop.