I got an interesting question via Ebay, someone asking about how to get more volume and what ukulele to go for, interested in Baritone or Resonators.
My Answer: The larger in size you go the more volume you get out of a ukulele because the sound box is bigger and the top is larger. But you get a deeper more rounded mellow sound out of the bigger ukuleles.

So a little Soprano may actually have more "cut through" and be perceived as louder as all the energy is centred in the Mids and Treble range, which we humans hear best.

If your Ukulele is a Starter low end one then fitting a set of the Italian Aquila Strings will increase your volume over the nasty clear fishing line junk that are fitted some starter ukuleles.
If max volume to get heard above the crowd is what is required then the Resonator Ukuleles are the way to go, Banjoleles are still the loudest of the ukuleles, but they sound like, well... banjo.

Baritones are the biggest ukuleles and sure enough they are loud, but Baritones are not tuned like a ukulele (Uke = GCEA five steps above guitar). Baritones are tuned like a guitar in same register of DGBE (basically no E or A strings)
Great new is that Aquila do a set of Ukulele strings for Baritone ukes that convert them to Ukulele tuning in the same 5 steps above register. Normal baritone strings snap if you try and tune them up five steps. So you get that baritones big box volume, but in that higher register of Ukulele.
If you want a set of those Aquila GCEA baritone strings give me an email.
Cheers CC
MANY MORE Ukuleles, Strings, Tuners, Cases, Capos & Accessories in-stock.
I Carry a Huge Range of Kala & Ohana Ukuleles, Aquila & Worth Ukulele Strings.
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Cheers C.C. from http://theukuleletradingcoaustralia.blogspot.com.au/